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Lindsay's Mastermind

For entrepreneurs ready to think bigger, get visible, and make their mark on the world!


Your business is out of its hot mess era and you're ready to take big swings

You're here because you're ready for more out of your business and we have either worked together one-on-one, you've completed one of my group programs, or someone super cool has told you that you NEED to get your butt in my mastermind. 

You're ready to take big swings, get a heck of a lot more visible, generate serious momentum and open the doors to radical new connections, opportunities, and money flowing in. 

Oh, and you don't want to do it all on your own. You want a close-knit community full of badass entrepreneurs supporting you every step of the way.

Stop getting stuck in the weeds of your business! Let's elevate your strategies and mindset so you can create a business and a lifestyle beyond your wildest dreams.


"Lindsay takes out the noise and overwhelm from where to start and what to do as a new entrepreneur and provides simple, actionable, no-nonsense business, marketing, and sales advice." - Nadine Stille

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"As an entrepreneur who has always struggled with "sales", Lindsay has helped me embrace business development while staying true to my values and personality." - Belinda Clemmensen

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"I wish I had worked with Lindsay a year ago when I first started my business instead of sitting and waiting for clients to show up and doubting whether my work had any value." - Holly Middleton

What if you could be part of a small, close-knit community of entrepreneurs pushing you to think bigger and running alongside you as they do the same?

  • Goodbye loneliness and isolation! Every entrepreneur knows the intense loneliness we feel when building our businesses. That loneliness leads to a drastic drop in creativity, productivity, and confidence. It also makes way for impostor syndrome, overwhelm, decision fatigue and procrastination. UGH! When you're part of our mastermind you have a built-in biz family who gets YOU and what you're doing, and will be here to support you (almost) every week!

  • No more feeling your way in the dark and trying to do everything on your own! I'll show up for you (almost) every week for all of your burning business questions, big and small, and help you map out a simple strategy and clear action plan to get you going in the right direction

  • Personalized business advice (almost) every week! Throw out those generic templates and confusing courses that leave you with more questions than customers. You're going to get personalized business advice right when you need it ... no guessing required!

  • Think, dream, and go bigger! Nothing is going to stop you from taking big swings in your business when you've got all of us behind you, guiding, challenging, and supporting you as you leap out of your comfort zone and make big things happen in your business and life!

Note: I say "almost" every week because we take August and December off to rest, reflect, and play with all our favourite people. More on that in the FAQs

Anything is possible with the right support and community behind you. Are you ready to go big?


Our mastermind is co-created with intention. We limit it to 20 members and is based on an application and interview to ensure the vibes are right and you're ready for this level of growth and support


Once you've been approved you'll get access to our private member portal where you can dive into all the content, connect with other members, and sign up for our live sessions.

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Show up with your burning business questions to our live Q&A and action planning sessions. There are 3 rooms to choose from, the Q&A room, quiet working room, and networking room!


When you're membership expires you'll have the first chance to renew OR give your spot up to someone on the waiting list.

Here's how it works

The mastermind is not just real-time business support for ambitious entrepreneurs

It's where you'll get real about your big, bold business goals, take great big swings, and level up your sales, visibility, and mindset!

Explore below to discover what you can expect in the mastermind...

Group Q&A

9:00 am - 1:00 pm PST

Join us on Zoom for 4-hours of diving into your business and getting stuff done!


The Zoom room is open for 4 hours and you have 3 rooms to choose from...

  1. Main Q&A room for your burning business questions

  2. Quiet working room for getting stuff done

  3. Networking room for connecting and collaborating with fellow members

All questions are recorded, labelled, tagged for each member and posted in our replay archive for easy access.

You can come and go as you please throughout our 4-hour window!


Don't forget the bonuses...

Over $2000+ in bonuses. You know I'm going to give you extras to support your growth

Ick-free Sales Training

($100 value)

Discover my signature consent-based marketing & sales formula for more sales with less ick!
You'll learn my 4 Fast & Free Revenue Generating Activities, signature Stranger to Happy Paying Customer Journey and Perfect Sales-free Sales Call template. Then put it all together in a step-by-step action plan!

2024 Year-end Debrief

($50 value)

Join me live on Zoom as I walk you through 15 year-end business questions that will help understand exactly what happened in your business this year. You'll uncover what worked, what didn't, your best sellers and most popular content, good vs bad investments in your biz and what you need to do differently in 2025!

Big Bold 2025

($500 value)

You'll be invited to join my signature annual planning party in January 2025! We spend 4 hours on Zoom together setting big, bold, business goals and mapping out your marketing & sales strategy to get you there. *Free on 12-month plan

Busy Work Challenge

($50 value)

Get the full picture on why you're working your butt off but not making any money! This challenge will help you ditch busy work, get clear on what is and isn't working in your growth strategies, and help you understand where you need to focus to start getting traction and momentum.

Back to Business 2024

($50 value)

Take some time off in August to go play and then join us on Zoom in September to kick off a kickass Q4. We'll revisit your 2024 business goals and make sure you're set up to finish the year off with a bang! *Free on 6 and 12-month plans

Ick-free Sales Membership

($108 per year value)

Receive a simple business lesson and ick-free sales script in your inbox every Monday, including a video tutorial and examples on how and when to use it! 

ALL of My Signature Business Courses

($500+ value)


You'll get free access to my paid courses and strategies as they roll out in the coming months including topics like Public Speaking, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Community Building, and more!

The Price

$500 per month

with a 3 month minimum

  • Weekly live sessions with a close-knit community of badass entrepreneurs!

  • 2024 Year-end Debrief

  • Back to Business 2024

  • Big Bold 2025

  • Ick-free Sales Training

  • Busy Work Challenge

  • 1 year in Ick-free Sales Membership

  • My signature courses and strategies

  • Private member portal and a kickass community

  • Tons of resources, templates, guides ... you name it! If you need it, I've got it (or will make it)

  • Coming soon: Access to all of my signature business courses


Howdy, I'm Lindsay!

​Let me tell you my journey to flipping the table on traditional business support 

I started my business way back in 2013 after spending a lifetime raised by entrepreneurs and learning all the marketing & sales skills I could absorb while growing up.

I created my own ick-free marketing & sales system in my 20s in response to the general “sell at any cost” ickiness being taught by most trainers and have been teaching entrepreneurs for over 20 years.

But after 20+ years of teaching entrepreneurship, I started to notice the rising trend of generic online courses, group programs, and “build it and they will come” style of teaching that hyped new entrepreneurs up with big promises but never actually taught them real business skills they needed to grow.

So I flipped the table on what has become the standard of teaching entrepreneurs and started getting vocal about the importance of learning real business skills. 

If I give you a template to follow all you'll learn is how to replicate a template.


If I teach you real business skills you'll learn how to become an entrepreneur!

I want to put the power of entrepreneurship in your hands!

That’s why I created Lindsay's Mastermind...


A learning format that supports rapid growth with real skills, when you need them so you can make big things happen with your business

Let’s do this thing!

This is for you if...

  • You're out of your Hot Mess Era, your business ducks are all in a row and you're ready to lean in and grow quickly


  • You want to get laser-focused, make more money, and start making waves in your industry


  • You’re impatient, sick of feeling your way in the dark, and you want actionable strategies you can use right now


  • You’re feeling lonely, overwhelmed, or uninspired and want a community to push you to think bigger and take bolder action

  • You're ready to move beyond day-to-day operations in your business and dive into thought leadership and visibility

You should probably not join if...

  • You’re a lone wolf and being part of a community annoys the heck out of you

  • You're not a fan of a casual learning environment, lots of laughing and a direct but cheeky entrepreneurship teacher who does most of the live Q&A sessions from their couch. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if I can’t afford it?
    You've got options! My Mastermind is for entrepreneurs who are ready to go all-in on their business and are looking for a community to run alongside them over the next few years as they master the marketing & sales skills they need to succeed. It’s ok to not be ready. You do not need to go into debt or pressure yourself or your new business if the timing isn’t right. You can come back and join anytime you’re ready … we’ll be here! If you’re not ready for this level of support, focus, and speed of growth, I recommend starting with my $9 Ick-free Sales Membership You’ll get some great high-level support, a kickass community, and weekly business lessons and sales scripts to help you start selling more (with less ick) so you can afford to come play with us in the mastermind when you're ready. You can also book a private 1-hour strategy session with me here. The benefit of over 20 years helping entrepreneurs go from Hot Mess to Simplified, Clear Action Plans means I work fast and we can get a LOT done in 1 hour together. Note: before you drop hundreds or thousands of dollars on a program, course, membership, coach, etc. come back and revisit my Super Secret Mastermind. Skip all the piecemeal advice and spending thousands to learn each skill separately and in a bubble. One of the biggest benefits of joining my mastermind is that you’re not getting conflicting advice from 20 different sources or generic ChatGPT advice that isn't personalized for your business. Side note: "All-in" does not mean quitting your job before your business is ready … please don’t do that. Here’s a video on why
  • Why do this instead of working with you one-on-one?
    That's a personal decision based on how you work best and what you need most right now! Working one-on-one with me will be better for you if you're still in your Hot Mess Era and are not yet ready to run. This includes things like... Figuring out or simplifying your revenue streams Optimizing your website, content platforms, lead magnet & email marketing strategies Diving deep into your marketing, visibility, and sales strategies including public speaking and content marketing Shifting from one-to-one to one-to-many or passive revenue streams And anywhere else you're not free to go flat out because things aren't clear or not working the way they should be My mastermind is designed for entrepreneurs who've already worked with me to get their business ducks in a row OR who have been referred by someone else who's familiar with my work and is already out of their hot mess era. If you want to work with me you can learn more here Joining the mastermind will be the best option for you if you're ... Out of your Hot Mess Era and you've got clarity and an action plan in place ... you're ready to GO! Craving community and love small group sessions where everyone is bringing their wisdom, experience and brilliance to the table to co-create a magical experience Looking for personalized support available every week to help you with both the complex and simple day-to-day questions and big mindset shifts that unlock rapid growth and unshakeable confidence Want to work within a community for the added support of our collective experience and folks to challenge you to level up as they're levelling up along with you!
  • What if I'm already super busy?
    Oof! Who isn't busy ... aren't you sick of always telling people you're busy? I know I am! (Seriously) If you're too busy to create space to join us on Tuesdays then I think you've got your answer. If you still want to benefit from working with me then you can totes work with me privately. Check out my packages here. If you're busy but want to stop being so dang busy and are looking for a way to automate, outsource, evolve and reclaim your work/life balance we can support you with that in the mastermind. I'll let you in on a little secret ... the first A-HA entrepreneurs have when working with me is the realization that they were working way too much on stuff that doesn't matter. The next A-HA is a huge sense of relief knowing they can ditch all that busy work and go have a life. Gut check time: Is your level of busyness supporting your dream lifestyle or getting in the way? Side note: In the mastermind, you get to decide which sessions you attend and for how long. There is not requirement to be there for the entire session. Most entrepreneurs get into a rhythm where they block off the time in their calendar and bounce between the Q&A room, quiet working room, and networking room and spend the time getting stuff DONE!
  • Are the live Q&A sessions good quality?
    Ummm have we met? LOL Of course they're good! If you’ve been hanging around me for a while you know... I NEVER deliver fluff I NEVER give you generic “do what I did to get what I got” advice I NEVER teach you the “build it and they will come” method. We'll get into the heart of what you need, in real-time, and I'll give you practical, actionable steps you can take immediately. I am a regular teacher and trainer for organizations like The Forum, Startup Canada, Global Startups, Rise Helps, Futurpreneur, YELL, ELLA (Yspace), Vancouver Startup Week, and more. You can check out my juicy content on YouTube I created my own ick-free marketing & sales system in my early 20s and have been breaking down complex business skills into fast-acting, step-by-step strategies for new entrepreneurs for over 20 years! And we have a heck of a lot of fun at the same time. If we don't know each other yet and you're not entirely comfortable joining the mastermind I recommend... Following me on YouTube and attending my live Q&A sessions on the 2nd Friday of the month Consuming a bunch of my YouTube videos to get a feel for my teaching style Sign up for my Ick-free Sales Scripts and stay connected with me via email Join my $9 Ick-free Sales Membership Once you get to know me and feel comfortable with how I work, come apply for the mastermind!
  • What happens during the August and December break?
    We take August and December off every year to rest, reflect, and go play with all our favourite people! To accommodate the breaks we switch things up a bit... We have 1 extra Everything But the Kitchen Sink sessions the week before we break for holiday so that you can get all the support you need before we go. These happen in the last week of July and last week of November There are 3 special workshops that happen in September (Back to Business), December (Year-end Debrief), and January (Big, Bold Year) to help you get focused and on track. These are paid workshops but free for mastermind members to attend! If any of your membership months fall in one of our breaks you'll be given an extra month so you don't miss a thing. For example, if you join in June for 3 months your membership would include June, July, and September. I'm never gonna leave you hanging!
  • How long do entrepreneurs work with you?
    Entrepreneurs who work with me for 3-5 years see the fastest growth from momentum to scale through to thought leadership. They also typically uncover what's not working and where things are out of alignment way faster then when they're trying to figure it out on their own so we can get it fixed and put them back on the right path. I'm also able to teach all of the ins and outs of various business skills you need in your first 5 years of business, not in piecemeal fashion, but right when you need them within a single, cohesive marketing and sales strategy. In your first 5 years of business SO MUCH changes and evolves and it is one helluva rollercoaster. Entrepreneurs typically do a combination of my $9 membership, work 1-on-1 with me as needed, and participate in the mastermind for 2-3 years. (Oh, and join all my workshops, YouTube lives, live events... all that jazz) The best thing about being active in my world is that I can give you consistent, fact-acting support because I know your business, where you want to go, share your passion, and can guide you with personalized advice as you grow your biz and yourself. No one needs another 12-week group program with a rigid, generic curriculum or a DIY course you don't really understand how to implement. You need personalized, long-term business advice right when you need it for as long as you need it!
  • What's included in the mastermind?
    So much! Live 4-hour Q&A sessions (almost) every Tuesday (There's no pressure to attend every hour; show up as needed for what makes sense for you) Everything but the Kitchen Sink sessions in July and November (to prepare for our summer and winter break) My signature Ick-free Sales Training My Busy Work Challenge Back to Business workshop in September Annual Year-end Debrief workshop in December Big Bold Year planning session in January Weekly Visibility & Sales Scripts with tutorial and challenge to implement it Access to my specialty courses (like Public Speaking, Networking, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, List-building, etc) Private member portal (we use Mighty Networks) for feedback on your work, connecting & collaborating with other members, and getting support from the community Special Guest Experts for even more inspiration, motivation, and creative Q&A More resources than you can shake a stick at! I'm talking templates, guides, workshop replays, how-to worksheets and videos ... so much!
  • Will I get customized support for my unique business?
    Yes! We're not about that generic “do what I did to get what I got” strategies here! I’m not giving you random, nonsensical ChatGPT advice. I’m going to get you think strategically about how to apply marketing, sales, visibility, and thought leadership fundamentals to YOUR business and answer your specific questions for customized support And because it's in a group setting you get all the magic that comes from group discussions! The power of group learning is twofold... 1. Many entrepreneurs have the exact same questions so not everyone needs to ask. Once one person asks and I help them work through the solution in real-time you will most likely have your own customized answer too! If not, just ask! 2. The biggest barrier to getting the right help is that we often don't know what we don't know. Other entrepreneurs who are further along or have a different perspective will ask questions or share insights that would have never occurred to you. There is magic in group learning! And even better ... the mastermind is limited to 20 members so you'll never get lost in the shuffle or feel like you're not getting the help you need. We're going to get up close and personal with each other's businesses and have a lot of fun together!
  • Do I have to watch a bunch of pre-recorded videos?
    Oh gawd no! There are two mini courses I want you to complete, my Ick-free Sales Training and the Busy Work Challenge. Together these two should take you less than 2 hours. This will get you on the same page as the rest of the crew and get us speaking the same language. It will also help you eliminate 80% of your to-do list (it’s mostly busy work), get focused on your business’s most urgent need, and which marketing and sales strategies you need to prioritize. Otherwise, everything is live! Our live sessions are Q&A style. I won’t be teaching a set curriculum. Instead I’ll be answering your pressing questions and get you going in the right direction.
  • Is there community support in between sessions?
    Yes! We have a private member portal (we use Mighty Networks) where you can connect with other members, share resources, ask for help when you get stuck, and explore fun collaborations together!
  • Can I watch replays?
    Yes! All of our sessions are recorded and stored inside the member portal under "Replays" Bonus: You'll have access to the archived Q&As as well in case you want to take a peek at what we covered in past sessions.
  • What is the refund policy?
    No refunds are offered on the mastermind! (But I will offer you an exchange) It’s super important to me that you don’t make an impulse buy and sign up for our mastermind without thinking it through. I want you here because you trust me to guide you and you’re excited get to work alongside the rest of the community. Your first step is to apply and then complete your interview. If it's the right fit for both of us you'll be given the opportunity to join. But don't rush it! Take a day or two to let it bounce before signing up. Consume some of my YouTube content to get a feel for my vibe. If you're really not sure, start with my $9 Ick-free Sales Membership or some One-on-One Sessions and attend some of my live online hangs. When you’re ready, get your butt in here and let’s get to work making your big, bold business vision a reality! That being said, if you sign up and you realize you made a huge mistake I will happily exchange your initial $1500 membership fee for either 1 VIP Day or 3x 1-hour sessions. You have 7 days from the date of your purchase to request an exchange Note: Exchanges are only offered one time. If you exchange your membership for one-on-one sessions and then become a mastermind member again down the road, the 7-day exchange policy no longer applies and all sales will be final.
  • I have more questions...
    Email and we’ll get you sorted

Ready to go big and build the business & life of your wildest dreams?

Join My Mastermind and let's make business magic together!

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